Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pengalaman Lomba Spelling Bee

At this time, I would like to tell you about my journey in ALSA UI E-Comp. Honestly, this is my first time to join in the national competition. I personally like to join an English competition, so when I saw there was an announcement from ALSA UI E-Comp (English Competition), I eager to join it. ALSA UI E-comp is an English competition which held annually by Law Faculty at the University of Indonesia at Depok, West Java. This is one of the prestigious competition in Indonesia, and it’s a big event.  The one who can join in this competition is an undergraduate student or senior high school student. There are 8 branches competition in this ALSA UI E-Comp. They are story telling, speech, debate, spelling bee, newscasting, paper presentation, the battle of brain, and *Model United Nation (MUN) *for senior high school only.
The reason why I choose spelling bee branch, it because I want to know it further, since the last time I joined is when I was in senior high school. Spelling bee is a competition which to test your skill in terms of spell the words which given by the speaker (usually native speaker). The purposes of this competition are to train the attentiveness in listening to the words and our accuracy in spelling the words, enrich our vocabularies, and enhance our ability in writing and pronouncing English words. It can base on oxford dictionary (use British accent) or longman or Merriam-webster dictionary (or another dictionary which use American accent). In this time, I should use based on the oxford dictionary one. I make my own preparation since D-30 or approximately 1 month before the competition begin. It was tough enough, cause you can imagine how many words that put in the dictionary. Then I should memorize it! No, we as a human being can not remember that million or even billion words, right. Moreover, I don’t familiar enough with the British accent, cause I mostly use the American one. But I tried my best to do it.
The preparation began. I tried to open the oxford dictionary from the first page. I’m not only tried to spell the word by myself, but I also learned the phonetics of each word.  Sometimes I repeated it more than 1 more time. I made my target that everyday I have to memorize and spell 10 words (minimum) until 20 words.  I also asked my friend to become the speaker of the word, then I would try to spell it. On the ext day, I tried to download the spelling bee videos, then I watched it. I also installed the spelling bee game. Ya, that's what I did everyday. Memorize the words, spell the words, watched the spelling bee videos,  and also played the spelling bee game. So when I did nothing in the campus, I use my earphone, then I listened to the words which spell by the speaker in the game, then I must type what the speaker said. That was the spelling bee game, which has approximately 20 rounds. Maybe you will think that it was bored. Me too, hahaha. But sometimes when I felt it, I remembered that I have to struggle, and I remembered that the rivals  must be “crazy” since it was a national level.  The one who makes me feel the spirit is my family, since UI is located at Depok, so I can go home! Exactly it’s located in Jakarta, and it takes 1 hour or 2 hours (if there is traffic jam) to Depok.
Day by day, until 1 week left (D-7), I’m getting frustrated, since there are so many “weird” and “crazy” words. Let me give you the example, “hydrophyte”, “exaggerate”, “symmetry”, “repertoire” etc. Maybe you will think that “symmetry” is simple enough, but it’s tricky when we saw that there is double “m”. It also happens to “repertoire”, the way you read it must be “repetwa”, or “exhausted”, the way you read it must be “igzost”. So the one who makes I confuse enough is the comparison from the way I read, to the letters of each word. For example like “ph” become “f”, like “catastrophe”, “g” become “j”, like “general”, “u” become “e”, like “urge”, “x” become “gz”, like “exhausted” which I already mentioned before. But sometimes some of them only happened in some words maybe.  Sometimes some words can be “silent ‘t’,silent ‘p’, silent ‘k’” etc, which there is a letter or more that we don't have to read it, but if we write it, it is there. Dictionary is my friend which I always bring everyday, the one who always made my day!
D-day has come. On 20th April 2016, I have to go to Jakarta, and the next day, I must do the re-registration at UI Depok. I follow the opening ceremony, and it was great! I also can expand my friend networking, I knew the participants from UGM, UNDIP, BINUS, UNHAS, etc. The first day was just the opening ceremony and the technical meeting. For the spelling bee branch, it was held on April 25th, 2016. I already tried as possible as I can, so it’s time for me to give my best performance. There are 4 rounds in this branch competition. At the first round, we were given 100 words by the native speaker. Each word will be repeated only 2 times, and after that, we had to write it down on the paper that provided by the committee. It was over, and the announcement had come. I got a chance to continue to the 2nd round. At this time, we had to spell it directly. Each participant will be given 5 words from the native speaker, and we had to spell it out afterward. Each participant will be given 30 seconds to think and spell each word. Less time we spend, more score we got. So, if we can spell it with 0-5 seconds, we got 20 points. If we can spell it with 6-10 seconds, we got 15 points, and so on, until if we spend more than 30 seconds, it means that we got no points or zero.
This is the embarrassing moment I ever had, because there are no words which I can spell correctly. Actually, I can spell 3 words correctly, but I almost do it! So I only make a mistake in 1 letter, but even if just 1 fault in 1 letter, a mistake still a mistake. It has the same case when you were given a question like ‘2x3’, the correct answer is 6, but you answer it 5,9. Ya, don't care how close it is, but it still a mistake. Ah, maybe I got nervous at that time, and also I was in a rush. So I want to answer it quickly in order I can get the big point, but I didn’t spell it carefully hehe. I thought it was okay. Maybe this is not my chance yet. Right, almost is never enough. I also said it to my older sisters and brothers, and they said it was fine, because I already struggle enough, and I tried my best. Keep calm, I didn’t give up just like that, because I think there are so many competitions which I can try in.
    So far, I felt happy and excited for joined in this ALSA UI E-Comp 2016. I got some friends, unforgettable experiences, and many more. I also learned that, do something fast is okay, or even good, but please still pay attention to it, otherwise I will mess everything up. I should say to you that, do not ever give up, cause you are still young, and there are so much experiences which you have to try.



    Sumpah demi allah ini kisah cerita nyata saya...

    Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, Saya pak Aseph seorang TKI kerja di malaysia. Mohon maaf mengganggu waktu dan aktifitas ibu/bpk, saya cuma bisa menyampaikan melalui pesan singkat dan semoga bermanfaat, Saya sangat berterima kasih banyak kpd MBAH WIRANG atas bantuan nomer togelNya yang beliau berikan kemaren kpd saya untuk 4D , kini kehidupan saya sekeluarga sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ternyata apa yang di tulis oleh orang2 tentang MBAH WIRANG di internet termasuk pak zahid hamidi itu semuanya benar benar terbukti dan saya adalah salah satunya orang yang sudah membuktikannya sendiri,usaha yang dulunya bangkrut kini alhamdulillah sekarang sudah mulai bangkit lagi itu semua berkat bantuan beliau,saya tidak pernah menyangka kalau saya sudah bisa kembali sesukses ini dan kami sekeluarga tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan beliau, setiap ada room yg saya temui pasti saya posting nomer beliau agar sahabat2 semua bisa seperti saya.. Bagi anda yang butuh nomer togel silahkan waps +628234'666'7564 Mbah Wirang...

    Salam Nak Rantau

    1. Awalnya aku hanya mencoba main togel akibat adanya hutang yang sangat banyak dan akhirnya aku buka internet mencari aki yang bisa membantu orang akhirnya di situ lah ak bisa meliat nmor nya AKI NAWE terus aku berpikir aku harus hubungi AKI NAWE meskipun itu dilarang agama ,apa boleh buat nasip sudah jadi bubur,dan akhirnya aku menemukan seorang aki.ternyata alhamdulillah AKI NAWE bisa membantu saya juga dan aku dapat mengubah hidup yang jauh lebih baik berkat bantuan AKI NAWE dgn waktu yang singkat aku sudah membuktikan namanya keajaiban satu hari bisa merubah hidup ,kita yang penting kita tdk boleh putus hasa dan harus berusaha insya allah kita pasti meliat hasil nya sendiri. siapa tau anda berminat silakan hubungi AKI NAWE Di Nmr 085--->"218--->"379--->''259'
