Sunday, November 20, 2016

Contoh Essay (Esai) Bahasa Inggris

HOLAAA EVERYBADEEEHH :D btw sebelumnya sorry banget ya akhir2 ini gue jarang nge post, karena....ya begitu deh hehe. Udah mulai memasuki semester 5, udah mulai ngerasain ribet dengan proposal PKL dan pelaksanaan nya, matkul nya makin susah, praktikum ada yg 2 sks, dll. Kalo ditanya kesibukan gue apa...Ya paling akademik itu sih sama masih hunting for some experiences kaya competition, program, exchange, dll. Nah ngomong2 soal competition nih, bukannya gue mau sombong atau apa, tapi gue cuman pengen share pengalaman sama kalian. Waktu itu gue pernah ngikut National Essay Competition yg diadain sama IAAS Indonesia, cabang UB. Awalnya gue ragu buat join karena terakhir gue nulis essay itu pas kelas 12 di LIA. Tapi intinya adalah "jangan takut mencoba". Akhirnya gue submit, alhamdulillah masuk final, dan alhamdulillah juara 2. Jadi pesan gue adalah, rejeki orang itu gak ada yg tau kecuali Allah :) walaupun kita ngerasa mustahil, belom pernah nyoba sebelumnya, belom ada pengalaman, tapi kalo Allah menentukan rejeki kita disitu, yaudah :D (biar kalian semangat huehue). Sebelum gue kasih contoh essay, nya, this is a little indtroduction about essay.

 Jadi, apa itu essay? Essay adalah tanggapan atau opini seseorang terhadap sesuatu atau permasalahan yg ada. Biasanya, essay itu terkait dengan isu2 mutakhir, contoh masalah yg dibahas kaya tentang SDG (Sustainable Development Goals),  gender equality, education, bullying, dll. Entah itu essay bahasa indonesia atau bahasa inggris, intinya syarat essay itu sama, yaitu harus bersifat oroginal, atau murni dari pemikiran kita sendiri,bukan karya orang lain, atau essay yang pernah di publish orang lain. Contoh essay itu macem2, seinget gue, ada argumentative essay, persuasive essay, 5 paragraph essay, dll (sisa nya searching sendiri ya hehe :D). Untuk pembahasan, langsung aja deh ke contoh essay nya nih.

Waktu itu tema yang dikasih dari IAAS adalah "Establishing Indonesia Through Education", Topic yg tersedia ada 3, agriculture, technology, and social. Then i choose "Social". Berikut contoh nya.

Decreasing the Amount of Poverty in Indonesia to Achieve
a Better Education

“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” – Mahatma Gandhi. The amount of poverty in Indonesia is increasing until the latest data show that it reaches 28,51 million lives. In 2016, hundred or even thousand children become the “victim” dropout students due to economic condition in poverty. This “violence" should be overcome so that the education can be distributed equally. In order to maximize the student’s education, role implementation by the corporation of three stakeholders are needed.
First of all, the government should provide some proper facilities to sustain an equality in terms of education. Some students in poverty still have the hardship to get access to education through infrastructure. Moreover, some students who live in the remote area must cross by swimming, and use an unstable rope bridge through the river to reach their school, because there is no decent bridge which can connect one area to another well. For example, students who live in the big city can reach their education easily because the good infrastructures, facilities, and tools are already there. By contrast, students who live in the remote area have to bet their life in terms of their struggle. Since the government is the one who has the biggest role towards this case, they have to overcome this circumstance, by fixing the infrastructures or replace it with the new one. In fact, all students have the same right to obtain an education, no matter where they live, they deserve to feel the educational equality. Actually not only the government, but NGO also deserve to lend a hand when realizing that society still needs a help.
Second, Non-Government Organization (NGO) should give assistance for society who in trouble. Based on the UNICEF data in 2015, there are more than 2,5 million dropout students. This is caused by the economic pressures that make leaving school unavoidable. Since the students live in a poverty, they feel having a responsibility to undergo some activities which to meet their financial. For instance, they have to be a vendor, sell some foods or goods, and offer some services to make ends meet. As a result, they have to keep their nose to the grindstone to make a living for their family, instead of continuing their education. In order to mitigate the number of dropout students, assistance by NGO is necessary. Significantly, NGO is important to establish the nation and society, so that NGO should involve to relieve the burden of their family by giving a help and support, such as charity, build some community-based enterprises, and participation in terms of society needs and its implementation. Another key point to remember is that both external assistance and internal awareness have a great impact towards poverty.
Last but not least, society awareness is required to minimize the amount of poverty. Students who live in a poverty can not receive the education well because of the lack of material resources. In fact, they should be provided by the parents to support their children’s education. Yet, poverty often places constraints on the family's ability to provide other material resources for their children as well. For instance, the children have limited access to high-quality day care, limited access to before- or after-school care, and limited access to get some knowledge resources, such as book, internet, and a teacher. To that end, society awareness should be upgraded in order to decrease the amount of poverty, by lending some books, share a knowledge to them, and give them some high-quality foods. Therefore, society already eases their problems in terms of material resources which support education.
In conclusion, an involvement of the government, NGO, and society awareness, including their actions are necessary to generate a bright education towards the students. Each stakeholder has a different contribution level to overcome the poverty. The government has the biggest contribution to focus on infrastructures side, then supported by assistance from NGO, and also followed by a feeling of awareness which should be increased in society itself. If poverty is the worst form of violence, then the real actions should be there to prevent the emergence of  a new victim.

"Cara membuat essay nya gimana?" Lanjut ke postingan berikutnya yaa :) biar gak kepanjangan wkwk. Bersambung... Buat yg pengen tau penjelasan nya atau cara bikin essay nya gimana, klik DISINI yaw:D



    Sumpah demi allah ini kisah cerita nyata saya...

    Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, Saya pak Aseph seorang TKI kerja di malaysia. Mohon maaf mengganggu waktu dan aktifitas ibu/bpk, saya cuma bisa menyampaikan melalui pesan singkat dan semoga bermanfaat, Saya sangat berterima kasih banyak kpd MBAH WIRANG atas bantuan nomer togelNya yang beliau berikan kemaren kpd saya untuk 4D , kini kehidupan saya sekeluarga sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ternyata apa yang di tulis oleh orang2 tentang MBAH WIRANG di internet termasuk pak zahid hamidi itu semuanya benar benar terbukti dan saya adalah salah satunya orang yang sudah membuktikannya sendiri,usaha yang dulunya bangkrut kini alhamdulillah sekarang sudah mulai bangkit lagi itu semua berkat bantuan beliau,saya tidak pernah menyangka kalau saya sudah bisa kembali sesukses ini dan kami sekeluarga tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan beliau, setiap ada room yg saya temui pasti saya posting nomer beliau agar sahabat2 semua bisa seperti saya.. Bagi anda yang butuh nomer togel silahkan waps +628234'666'7564 Mbah Wirang...

    Salam Nak Rantau

    1. Awalnya aku hanya mencoba main togel akibat adanya hutang yang sangat banyak dan akhirnya aku buka internet mencari aki yang bisa membantu orang akhirnya di situ lah ak bisa meliat nmor nya AKI NAWE terus aku berpikir aku harus hubungi AKI NAWE meskipun itu dilarang agama ,apa boleh buat nasip sudah jadi bubur,dan akhirnya aku menemukan seorang aki.ternyata alhamdulillah AKI NAWE bisa membantu saya juga dan aku dapat mengubah hidup yang jauh lebih baik berkat bantuan AKI NAWE dgn waktu yang singkat aku sudah membuktikan namanya keajaiban satu hari bisa merubah hidup ,kita yang penting kita tdk boleh putus hasa dan harus berusaha insya allah kita pasti meliat hasil nya sendiri. siapa tau anda berminat silakan hubungi AKI NAWE Di Nmr 085--->"218--->"379--->''259'
